They're coming to shut off my interwebz for the move so I have to do this quick. I just wanted to throw out a few of my reactions to last night's speech.

First off, let me just say, I can totally smell what Barack is cookin'. This was probably the most electrfying speech I've seen since I began to care about politics. I realized a few minutes into the speech that, for the first time in my political cognizance, we're going to have a president I actually like. No more whining about choosing the "lesser of two evils" in the general election. I'm legitimately excited about BHO.

As for the speech itself, what can I say that hasn't already been said by thousands of pundits and superior blogs? I was actually really impressed with how awkwardly he thanked the raucous crowd at the beginning. It showed a human side of him. This guy isn't an elitist. And you know what? As cheesy as it sounds, he just looks presidential.

There was a lot of good stuff in this speech, but I don't have enough time to really discuss it all. I'll just say that I loved his thoughts on alternative fuels and oil independence... he acknowledges that we can't invest all of our time and money on just one alternative like ethanol. That kind of progressive thought from a president is exactly what we need if we're going to actually do something about the energy crisis. I also LOVED his comment that government "can't turn off the television for you." Finally, a presidential candidate has the compassion to call for a helpful government while still having the balls to call for some personal responsibility.

Just a few random thoughts:
- I hope his plan to cut taxes for 95% of working families doesn't turn into a "Read my lips..." kind of moment
- was "8 is enough" a sitcom reference or something that I missed?
- Did he really have to call out Cleveland about gang violence in his section about gun control? Come on Barack. What about Detroit? LA? Chicago? Whatevs. I know you didn't mean anything personal, big guy ;-)
- Finally, what the fuck was with that music after the speech? It transitioned from some hillbilly country crap to some kind of "Sum of All Fears" orchestration. I expected Harrison Ford to run out at any second screaming "WE NEED TO GET THE PRESIDENT OUT OF HERE."

Anyway, I gotta run. Erin will be on later with her much more eloquent and insightful analysis.