Before you accuse this post of being sexist, keep in mind that the female, feminist, heterosexual correspondent of this blog is the one writing it.
With all the serious topics being discussed at the Democratic Convention, I think it's time we take a step back for a minute and appreciate the fineness that is the Democratic ladies.
Say what you will about Michelle Obama's speech Monday, but one thing is for certain: She is HAWT!!! Cindy McCain is a botox-saturated washed-out hag. Michelle, on the other hand, is all natural, and all beautiful. My co-author Phil, in less graceful terms, declares, "Only the most unspeakable acts come to mind when I think of Michelle Obama." I wouldn't go THAT far, but we agree that Michelle is one foxy woman who deserves to be America's FLILF.

And who could pretend to digest Hillary Clinton's inspirational speech last night without first taking a moment to ogle former FDILF Chelsea. Girlfriend is banging! Her awkward Amy Carter days are ancient history. As my boyfriend opined, "She's really grown into herself". Phil informed me this morning, "I wanna holla at that bitch." My buddy Jeff's G-chat status message last night summed it up perfectly: "Damn, Chelsea fiiiiiiiiiiine!"

Make no mistake, this is a very important election, the outcome of which will have serious consequences for both America and the world. But while you're considering all the critical issues at hand, it's perfectly fine to be human and drool over some pretty ladies. Of course the same goes for the sexy men, who will take the stage tonight and tomorrow.
Thursday's post: Damn, Joe Biden is Delawaring that suit.
Friday: Obama can be my commander in briefs!
ADDENDUM: I just wanted to give some mad props to Erin for handling that post with such class. My thoughts wouldn't possibly be clear enough to write a coherent post about Michelle and Chelsea. Swoon.
~ Turk
Agreed. And Biden's wife isn't too bad herself.
But I really have to wonder how many people (Joe Biden, I'm talking to you) really got the joke when Hillary mentioned the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits.
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