Friday, October 31, 2008

No One Cares Where You've Been Overseas

If I hear one more goddamn person talk about their overseas adventures in a way that sounds nonchalant but is really meant to come off like "OMG-I'm-so-much-more-cultured-than-you!!!" I'm gonna lose it. I realize this is totally off the cuff and random and ranty, but I overheard a girl in the lobby of my apartment today -- dressed, of course, in full OMG FITNESS attire -- insipidly chatting with her uninterested workout buddy about the amount of bugs they encountered on their recent camping trip. That's when she busted out this gem:

"OMIGOD when I was in Guyana, there were so many flies it was SO GROSS, and I thought Guyana was cool at first but, like, that's just cuz it was my first time overseas and, actually it was, like, really ghetto."

In case you're unclear as to where this rant is going, let me break it down for ya: nobody gives a fuck where you've been. Traveling abroad is, in all seriousness, a wonderful and enriching experience. Everyone who has the opportunity should do it. That said, please realize that a) EVERYONE in DC has some TOTALLY FASCINATING story about their trip abroad and b) not everyone has the money/opportunity to take a year to just dick off in Europe or Africa for no good reason, so talking about your experience unsolicited -- especially in that "OMG" tone -- makes you sound like a douche even if you aren't one, and an even bigger douche if you already are.

Anyway, rant over. Just had to get that out, because it totally reminded me of this one time I was swarmed with mosquitoes in a bazaar in the ancient walled city of Khiva during my internship in Uzbekistan.