Friday, September 19, 2008

Back to School Special

On Wednesday evening, I did something I hadn’t done in 1 year and 3 months. I went to school.

Despite having obtained a Master’s Degree in June 2007, I have set on a masochistic course to purse a Ph.D in Public Health. The series of events and realizations that led to that decision are another story for another time. But essentially, in order prepare myself for Ph.D programs in my concentration (Health Economics and Health Policy), I need to brush up on my math. So I enrolled in the Math for Economists class at the USDA graduate school.

In the spirit of math, instead of giving you a verbal narration of my experience, I’ll give you a count:

Number of people in the class: 30
Number of people dressed in anything other than a suit or Ann Taylor “business casual” ensemble: 2 (myself and Turk’s friend John)
Number of Ben Bernake jokes made by professor: 1
Number of courtesy laughs in response to said Ben Bernake joke: 30
Number of AIG jokes made by professor: 1
Number of courtesy laughs in response to said AIG joke: 29 (I really don’t think, “If only the folks at AIG had remembered the National Income equation” is an amusing or even remotely relevant comment about America’s current financial woes)
Number of times douchebag at my table’s Blackberry vibrated during the class: 4
Number of times douchebag responded to Blackberry vibration via text message: 4
Number of times I glared at the douchebag: 5 (one was just for shits and giggles).
Number of beers I had after class to recover from the stereotypical D.C. self-aggrandizing masturbation fest: 3.25 (I drank some of my boyfriend’s while he was in the bathroom)